
Downsizing for Seniors: Preparing for Your Move to Senior Living

The topic of downsizing can come up during retirement. In fact, about 51 percent of retirees decide to move to a smaller living space after retiring. While moving can be stressful, downsizing can create a safer living space that’s easier to maintain. Plus, removing clutter is good for our mental health! 

“One of the mental health benefits of downsizing, if not the biggest one, is that you are bound to feel less alone in a place that is smaller and not as full of memories compared to a house where you’ve lived for most of your life. A big and empty house can feel daunting and overwhelming at times, especially if you are the only one living in it (”

At Village Green Senior Living, our apartments and cottages are designed with safety and maintenance-free living in mind so residents can enjoy their retirement and experience connection without worrying about the clutter and hazards of keeping up their own space. 

If you’re curious how downsizing can help you prepare for senior living and create a comfortable living environment, here are a few tips to get you started.

How to Get Started

If you’ve realized you’ve accumulated too much clutter over the years or just want to simplify your home, it might be time to consider downsizing. However, downsizing for seniors is also about leading a less stressful retirement. Is your current home challenging to maintain? Do you have unused rooms or spaces that accumulate more clutter? Downsizing can help you find a living space that meets your retirement lifestyle and needs.

The first step is to start paring away at the stuff in your home. It’s better to start as early as possible to avoid burnout and ensure you can tackle each room in your home with plenty of time. It might be beneficial to follow a few steps: 

Plan Early: Many people begin downsizing about a year before moving to properly prepare and organize their belongings.

Decide Where You Want to Move: Consider the kind of place you want to move to, whether it’s an apartment or cottage-style living space, and find the senior living community that best fits your lifestyle and needs. 

Set a Timeline: Think about when you want or need to move and set a solid date. If needed, contact moving companies to hire movers, trucks, and supplies to help you get started. 

Safety Tips

Safety is crucial when it comes to moving and making preparations. Here are some general rules and tips to follow to stay safe and avoid any hazards:

Ask friends and family to help you go through your belongings, especially when climbing ladders or stairs. For instance, if you must reach high shelves or surfaces, ask a relative or friend to help you to avoid a fall or accident. 

Hire movers to lift any heavy furniture for you. Not only are movers trained and specialized in keeping your belongings safe and intact, but attempting to lift and move things on your own can be dangerous. 

When it comes to the problem areas of your home, like an attic, basement, or garage, be sure to ask a close friend or family member to be present with you as you clean out the room. 

Getting Ready for Senior Living

If you’ve decided to move to a senior living community, it’s important to know the layout and size of your new space before you begin the downsizing process to know what you can realistically bring with you.

Remember that downsizing for seniors shouldn’t be a hassle. Invite family and friends to help you go through the process with you, and enjoy looking back at old photographs and reliving fun memories in your home. This is also a great way to gift any personal belongings you no longer need to ensure they can continue to be cherished!

At Village Green Senior Living, we’re always excited to welcome new residents and help make the move to one of our communities as simple as possible. We invite you to explore our communities in Federal Way and West Seattle, Washington, to learn more!

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